Lakey: Chaos to Order

April 14th, 2017 - June 11th, 2017

Opening Reception
Friday April 14th, 2017
6:00pm to 8:30pm with the artist in attendance
Facebook event link HERE.

Closing Reception
Sunday Juneth, 2017
1:00pm to 4:00pm with the artist in attendance
Facebook event link HERE.

CAMIBAart at 6th Street: 2000 East 6th Street, Austin, TX 78702

CAMIBAart is pleased to present the artwork of Lakey in a solo exhibit titled “Chaos to Order”.  Spanning 8 years, Chaos to Order is a visual survey of Lakey’s artworks.  On display in this exhibit is the development of an artist finding meaning in life and finding his voice. 

Both a visual and literary artist, Lakey is in every way a non-conventional artist.  Almost as if conducting his own social experiment, Lakey enjoys exploring places and engaging with people as he creates; traveling and oftentimes using the street as his studio.  During the last 8 years, he has created and exhibited his artworks in over 25 cities including, to name a few, Albuquerque, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Memphis, New York, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, & St. Louis.

With his fascinating back-story and an undeniable talent, getting to know Lakey and his artwork will definitely enrich your life.

Artist Exhibit Statement:  "In my earliest artworks I drew meaningfulness out of chaos using only black ink.  In the second phase of my work, I added color and moved to a more chaotic “stream of consciousness” style with less concentration in meaning.  Finally the most recent artworks trade chaos and meaninglessness for complexity and structure, using geometry to find the similarities within science, math, religion, philosophy, and spirituality. The process and resulting artworks allow me to better understand myself and the world around me.  Whether chaotic or ordered, I strive for timelessness to ensure the expression holds meaning to a large audience over a long period of time.

"I believe the greatest truths are those tied into paradox; I pursue paradox.  From trailer parks, to foster care, to suits and sky-scrapers, to homelessness, to traveling street artist/performer, I've been there. I do exciting things in boring fashion and search for riches in ashes.